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人工智能,发酵,趋势跟踪和味道研究计划为Flavorcon 2024

时间 :2024-08-13 浏览 :6220


Take a look at all of the conference sessions for day one of the two-day event.

Flavorcon 2024 第一天会议概览

Flavorcon is set to return to Atlantic City, New Jersey this October! Register ASAP for the best rates for the conference and expo hall set to be held October 8-9, at Harrah's Resort & Casino.  Register now to set your flavor innovation agenda; 1-day passes are available, as are group rates.

Flavorcon 2024即将于今年十月在新泽西州大西洋城盛大举行!为了享受最优惠的会议和展览厅价格,请尽快注册。会议和展览厅将于10月8日至9日在Harrah's Resort & Casino举行。立即注册,规划您的风味创新议程;单日通行证和团体票价均有售。

Flavorcon 2024 ( is just around the corner! Are you registered? Take a look at all of the conference sessions for day one of the two-day event. October 8 is filled with discussions covering artificial intelligence's (AI) evolving role in the flavor industry, social media trend tracking, fermentation, taste and smell research and even a one-on-one with industry stalwart John Wright! 

Flavorcon 2024(即将拉开帷幕!您是否已经注册?让我们一睹为快,看看为期两天的会议第一天的所有会议安排。10月8日的议程充满了关于人工智能(AI)在风味行业中日益重要的角色、社交媒体趋势追踪、发酵技术、味觉和嗅觉研究,以及与行业巨头John Wright的一对一交流等话题!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


    7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Breakfast (included with registration)

    7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 早餐(包含在注册费用中)

    8:45 a.m. Flavorcon 2024 Welcome

    8:45 a.m. Flavorcon 2024 开幕式

    8:50 a.m. How Social Media Can Inspire Innovation in Flavor Formulation

    8:50 a.m. 社交媒体如何激发风味配方的创新

    Leveraging over 20 billion search queries and examining 60 million TikTok videos, Spate offers unparalleled insights into emerging flavor trends. By utilizing cutting-edge artificial intelligence and predictive modeling, Spate not only deciphers trends that have shown significant growth in recent years but also anticipates those set to make a substantial impact in the coming months. Their expertise encompasses a wide range of categories, from prepared foods to snacks to beverages. Spate's presentation will dive into the trends captivating consumers' interests and provide tailored, actionable insights, enabling professionals across the food & beverage industry to navigate the future landscape of food trends with confidence.


    Lead by: Spate Insights & Marking Lead Addison Cain

    演讲嘉宾:Spate公司洞察与营销主管Addison Cain

    9:25 a.m. Fermentation for Flavor and Functionality

    9:25 a.m. 发酵在风味与功能性方面的应用
    Fermented flavors align with the desire for natural, clean, traditional, and global tastes, offering functional and sustainable benefits. Fermentation, an ancient practice, involves beneficial microbes transforming raw materials into flavorful wonders—from bitter cocoa beans to chocolate, barley to beer, flour to bread, and beyond. 


    Advancements in bacterial and yeast genome sequencing, coupled with computational tools, enable a deeper understanding of metabolic pathways leading to flavor molecules. This knowledge facilitates tweaking for efficient exploitation and process optimization. The new-age application of omic tools to the age-old practice of fermentation gave birth to precision fermentation. Earlier we needed grapefruit to produce the characteristic nootkatone compound. Today we have engineered yeasts fed on glucose and nutrients that can produce nootkatone in high titers in a tank. Another glaring example of using fermentation is in vanillin production. A meager percent comes from vanilla harvested from orchids, while the majority is chemically synthesized. Precision fermentation has been used to sustainably meet the surging demand by using cellular beings and turning them into cellular factories. Flavor companies worldwide are at the cusp of embracing novel machine-learning approaches to create formulations at a faster pace. Sensient, a pioneer in innovative technologies, stands out for its unique involvement in fermentation. 

    随着细菌和酵母基因组测序技术的进步,结合计算工具,我们得以更深入地理解导致风味分子产生的代谢途径。这些知识促进了微调工作,以实现高效利用和工艺优化。将组学工具这一新时代技术应用于古老的发酵实践,催生了精准发酵。以前,我们需要葡萄柚来生产具有特征性的诺卡酮化合物。如今,我们已培育出以葡萄糖和营养物质为食的酵母,能够在发酵罐中以高滴度生产诺卡酮。另一个利用发酵的显著例子是香兰素的生产。仅有极少部分香兰素来自从兰花中收获的香草,而大部分则是通过化学合成得到的。精准发酵通过利用细胞生物并将其转变为细胞工厂,可持续地满足了日益增长的需求。全球的风味公司正站在采用新颖机器学习方法的前沿,以更快的速度创造配方。Sensient Technologies公司以其在发酵领域的独特参与而脱颖而出,作为创新技术的先驱。

    Lead by: Sensient Technologies Senior Innovation Scientist Suja Senan, Ph.D.

    演讲嘉宾:Sensient Technologies高级创新科学家Suja Senan,博士

    9:55 a.m. How NotCo Utilizes AI for Flavor Formulations

    9:55 a.m. NotCo如何利用AI进行风味配方开发
    NotCo is described as a group of people with a common goal: to reinvent the food industry — one delicious mouthful at a time. NotCo utilizes its proprietary AI "Giuseppe" to replicate animal products with plants.


    How it works according to NotCo:


    "It all starts when we ask our algorithm, Giuseppe, to match the taste, texture, and smell of an animal-based product. It analyzes the structure at the molecular level and then replicates it using only plant-based goodness."


    NotCo's senior Flavor Scientist, Cindy Sigler, Ph.D., alongside Machine Learning Team Leader, Francisco Clavero, are set to take the stage to discuss the company's artificial intelligence platform and how it translates to plant-based formulations.

    NotCo的高级风味科学家Cindy Sigler博士和机器学习团队负责人Francisco Clavero将登台,讨论该公司的AI平台以及它如何转化为植物基配方。

    They will introduce GAT (Generative Aroma Transformer), NotCo’s cutting-edge Foundational Model for fragrance that can generate complete fragrance formulations from natural language descriptions. They will also discuss the impact of these technologies in the flavor and fragrance space.

    他们将介绍GAT(Generative Aroma Transformer),这是NotCo在香气领域的尖端基础模型,可以根据自然语言描述生成完整的香气配方。他们还将讨论这些技术在风味和香气领域的影响。

    Lead by: NotCo Senior Flavor Scientist, AI, Cindy Sigler, Ph.D., and Machine Learning Team Leader Francisco Clavero

    演讲嘉宾:NotCo AI高级风味科学家Cindy Sigler博士,机器学习团队负责人Francisco Clavero

    10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Expo Hall Exploration & Lunch (included with registration)

    10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 展览厅探索与午餐(包含在注册费用中)

    3:00 p.m. The Flavorist's Take on Artificial Intelligence Panel

    3:00 p.m. 调香师视角下的AI应用论坛
    We would be remiss not to explore the impact and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in the flavor industry, specifically its role in a flavorist's day-to-day. To assist us with this dialogue, we've asked Jenifer Augelli (Givuadan) to return to the Flavorcon stage alongside Nicolas Pineau, Ph.D. (ADM), and Trevor Groome (IFF) to further explore this topic. If you have any questions for our panelists, please send an email to panel moderator and conference director, Jenna Troyli ( If you know of a flavorist who would make a good addition to this talk, please reach out!
    我们不应忽视人工智能(AI)在风味行业中的影响和应用,特别是它在调香师日常工作中的角色。为此,我们邀请了Jenifer Augelli(Givaudan)、Nicolas Pineau博士(ADM)和Trevor Groome(IFF)重返Flavorcon舞台,进一步探讨这一话题。如果您对我们的嘉宾有任何问题,请向论坛主持人兼会议总监Jenna Troyli发送电子邮件(。如果您知道哪位调香师能为这次讨论增添亮点,请务必推荐!

    3:45 p.m. Navigating the World of Smell and Taste Dysfunctions

    3:45 p.m. 探索嗅觉与味觉障碍的世界
    "I used to love lemonade, but now it smells like toxic waste."

    "Some of my favorite things now taste awful: chocolate, coffee, peanut butter, boiled eggs, anything grilled/toasted... strawberries and cherry tomatoes taste weird."


    "I never thought toothpaste could taste rotten, but here we are." 


    These poignant statements reflect the experiences of some of the 27 million people still grappling with smell or taste loss after COVID-19. Even before the pandemic, 1 in 5 people 40+ in the U.S. reported some taste alteration. This enlightening session will delve into the terminology, meanings, and profound impacts of these all-too-common sensory challenges. 


    Attendees will hear a comprehensive overview of the most prevalent taste and smell dysfunctions and their myriad causes, from Alzheimer’s to cancer treatments, genetics to zinc deficiency. This session will also look at research on what triggers these distortions. Powerful narratives and anecdotes will illuminate everyday struggles from navigating "safe foods" to developing innovative coping strategies. 


    Attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of the personal toll of these challenges, as well as their impact on industries including food and beverage, hospitality, consumer goods and healthcare.The speaker will also share how the flavor industry might overcome this hurdle and how to approach a remedy from "safe" food products.


    Lead by World Taste & Smell Association co-founder and executive director Stephanie Feuer

    主讲人:世界味觉与嗅觉协会联合创始人兼执行主任Stephanie Feuer

    4:15 p.m. John Wright: Ask Me Anything

    4:15 p.m. 约翰·赖特:问我任何问题
    In this interactive discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to ask flavor industry stalwart and author John Wright burning questions related to his career, industry updates and creative formulation solutions. Wright will also be sharing anecdotes from his past, his current projects and break down how he's seen the industry evolve over the years.


    Attendees can either ask questions during the session or send in their questions ahead of time by emailing conference director Jenna Troyli (

    与会者可以在会议期间直接提问,或者提前通过电子邮件向会议总监Jenna Troyli(发送问题。这将是一个深入了解风味行业内部运作和创意过程的宝贵机会。